Onumen Technology CO., LTD.
Onumen Technology CO., LTD.

How to Handle Bright or Dark Spots on Hanging LED Screen

During the use of the hanging LED screen, due to various reasons, you may sometimes encounter bright spots or dark spots. This phenomenon may be due to minor defects during the production process or influences during the usage process, causing certain areas of the hanging LED screen to malfunction. Do you know how to handle the appearance of bright or dark spots on hanging LED screen? Below is an introduction by ONUMEN:


When the hanging LED screen shows bright or dark spots, you can follow these steps to handle it:

Inspect the LED bulbs

If it is confirmed that the bright or dark spots are caused by one or more hanging LED screen bulbs, you can try replacing these faulty LED bulbs. Before replacing, make sure to turn off the power and follow the maintenance guide from the manufacturer of the hanging LED screen to prevent any possible damage or safety issues.

Inspect the drive circuit

The bright and dark spots may be related to the drive circuit. Therefore, check the connection and components of the drive circuit of the hanging LED screen to ensure it is intact and functioning properly. If any drive circuit component is found faulty, it should be repaired or replaced promptly.

Signal transmission interference

Signal transmission interference may also cause bright or dark spots. Therefore, ensure that the signal transmission lines of the hanging LED screen are intact and take appropriate shielding measures to reduce interference.

Adjust display settings

In some cases, you can reduce the visibility of bright and dark spots by adjusting the brightness and contrast settings in the display control system or related software of the hanging LED screen. However, this method is only effective if the bright and dark spots are not caused by hardware failure.

In summary, these are the solutions for bright or dark spots on hanging LED screens. Although the hanging LED screen sometimes encounters bright or dark spots during usage, as long as we take the correct steps and methods, we can effectively resolve these issues, ensuring the display effect and user experience. Moreover, using the hanging LED screen products from reputable channels is key to reducing the occurrence of bright or dark spots. For example, using products from reputable brands like ONUMEN can lower failure rates and increase the lifespan of the hanging LED screen.